Call for Action : Urgent Humanitarian Aid for Gaza

- 11 Juni 2024, 11:20 WIB
Sholat Jumat warga Palestina di Khan Younis, Jalur Gaza bagian selatan.
Sholat Jumat warga Palestina di Khan Younis, Jalur Gaza bagian selatan. / WarfareAnalysis


On Monday, the Secretary-General is expected to be in Jordan, where he will attend a High-Level Conference on Gaza that will take place on Tuesday.

The “Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Aid for Gaza” conference will be held at the invitation of His Majesty King Abdullah II, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, and the Secretary-General.

The conference seeks a collective coordinated response to address the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Heads of state and government, and heads of international humanitarian and relief agencies are expected to participate, and while at the conference, the Secretary-General is expected to hold several bilateral meetings with officials.

The Secretary-General will then be in Geneva on Wednesday, where he is going to join an event to commemorate the 60th anniversary of UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD). After six decades, the Secretary-General will commend UNCTAD’s work as it continues to be “an inspiration for today’s debates and decisions.”

Later during the day, Mr. Guterres will also address the Council of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in Geneva.

Reminding the audience that the digital divide is depriving billions of people of opportunities, the Secretary-General will underscore that technology should be put in the service of advancing the greater good.

The Secretary-General will travel to Southern Italy to attend the Group of Seven (G7) leaders' summit in Apulia.
The discussions will be an opportunity to address topics like the reform of global governance, artificial intelligence, climate and energy as well as international peace and security, notably in view of the ongoing preparation of the Summit of the future.


Editor: Eveerth Joumilena

Sumber: UNESCO

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